Wednesday, December 31, 2008

India Inc wants change

In the past couple of years India Inc have seen enourmous growth prospective. The growth rate of Indian economy was exceptional and set an example for rest of the world.

But the twin shocks; Mumbai terror attack and the global financial crisis certainly challenge the Brand India and also rest of the world. A story of high growth rate, over flowing cash tillers, hedonistic consumerism which camouflaged the rising poverty, depravity and unemployment.

A year which began with Brand India on a global roll and ended in tragedy and violence becoming the benchmark for other side of India. Only to culminate in a devastating confrontation with terrorism in Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Varanasi… and economic hardship. Bringing India once again face to face with cynicism and despair.

After Mumbai attack often dubbed as India's 9/11, we have seen a range of resignations and political changes. International reaction for the attacks was also widespread. Media coverage highlighted the use of new technologies and internet social networking tool in spreading information about the attacks, observing that internet coverage, especially the blogosphere, was often ahead of more traditional media sources.

No one can ever forget the attack on India's economy. The unity and aggression India has shown during and after the attack should sustain till the abolishing of terrorism. India Inc wants change.

Whole nation salutes martyrs of 26/11.

Sanjeev Kumar


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate u for the fine analysis and devotion towards the indian eco.nomy

Unknown said...

good sanjeev jee, wish you all the best and hope we will always come across to your thought and ideas.

kumar pritam said...

good stuff man...U put together two big tragedies that India Inc. as well as the World at large suffering from, i.e. the terrorism and the Global Economic slow down. We certainly need to unite as a citizen of India for our Nation and as one of the Nations on this Humanitarian Planet for the mankind(World) and fight against these odds for the betterment of all. It was nice reading your views. Keep posting. And, you know it doesn't end here, you must step forward to see the change that you want see. Thanks man...